About Us

New Life is a charismatic, evangelical church now based at "Salmantino" (a former bar at El Pilar) on the Albox Road, just off jn 682 on the E15/A7 motorway, made up of Christians from Spain, the UK and several other countries. We come from all sorts of different church backgrounds, but we are united in our desire to build a loving family church here in Spain. The church is part of a world-wide family of churches called Newfrontiers.



In January 2007 Trevor and Sue Miles did a prayer-walk around Huercal Overa. They followed this up with an Alpha Course, with the view of planting a church in the town. Twelve people responded and then committed themselves to starting a church.


In January 2012 Robin Hawkins and Andy Walker, both of whom had led churches for many years within the Newfrontiers family of churches in the UK, joined Trevor as Elders in the church. Later that year Trevor and Sue made a decision to return to the UK. Before he left in December Trevor prayed for Robin to be senior leader, with Andy walker as co-leader.


A small number of Spanish speaking people began to join the church. This grew to the point where Andy Walker and his wife Donna, believed it right to plant out a Spanish-speaking congregation. So the church sent them out to start this work in October 2016.


Meanwhile, the work among English-speakers has grown. A common comment has always been, "What a friendly church it is!" Well, we do try to be; but we have a vision and passion also to reach out with the gospel across this area. Do join us!


The Pastor/Elder of New Life Church is Robin Hawkins, ably assisted by Julie, his wife, and a large team of helpers!

Robin and Julie Hawkins

Robin trained as an Electrical Engineer, and worked in marine radar for twenty years. Made redundant in 1990, he served as full-time leader in a Baptist Church in the early 90's, during which time he attended Spurgeon's Bible College and obtained a Cambridge Diploma. In 1995, God called him out of there to plant King's Church in Ilford, which he led for fifteen years before being called to Spain in 2010. In 2012, he became the Pastor/Elder at New Life Church.

Robin married Julie, a former professional classical singer, in 1979; and in the early 80's they had a music ministry together. Robin wrote the songs, and together they sang in many different places, and made a number of recordings. These days his interests include guitar-making and golf.

Alan Preston joined the Eldership team in February 2019. Alan and his wife, Marian, came out to Spain in 2018, after being called by God to come out and help the work at New Life Church.

Alan and Marian Preston

Alan spent 35 years on the Eldership team at Church of Christ the King (recently renamed "Emmanuel") in Brighton. Emmanuel was planted and led by Terry Virgo in its early years. So Alan and Marian bring a wealth of experience and giftedness to the work at New Life Church.

Alan's other interests include chess and bird-watching - the latter an interest shared by Marian, who is also an avid reader of books.


We have the privilege of being part of the worldwide family of churches called Newfrontiers — currently about 850 churches worldwide in 60 nations.

Catalyst Network

Newfrontiers for many years was led by Terry Virgo. In 2012, Terry Virgo retired from this role and handed over leadership to a number of apostolic leaders who formed their own "spheres" but still all under the name of Newfrontiers. Here at New Life Church, we are linked to the sphere called Catalyst, now led by Simon Holly.
The latest Catalyst Festival talks can be found here: catalystnetwork.org/media/

A Brief History of Newfrontiers

It was nearly 40 years ago that God began a work in the south east of the UK in what would eventually become the Newfrontiers family of churches. Terry Virgo began leading a church in Seaford in 1968, and his sphere of influence grew into the surrounding area as a result. Over the years Terry has drawn many alongside him and churches with a vision to be strong in both Word and Spirit have consequently been established around the UK and the world.

Terry Virgo

With a passionate commitment to build the church according to New Testament principles, Newfrontiers believes that the most effective form of evangelism is worked out from strong local churches. These are churches where each member participates, the gifts of the Spirit are outworked, where there is joy in caring one for the other, and where there is a desire to make a difference in society and in reaching those in need. The aim is to achieve this by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders, planting churches and reaching the nations.

Over the years, Newfrontiers has run Bible weeks, perhaps most famously the Stoneleigh Bible weeks that drew up to twenty thousand people during the nineties. These weeks were wonderful times of being together and hearing from God.

In 2012 Terry Virgo stood down from leading Newfrontiers and now, with his wife Wendy, travels extensively visiting and encouraging leaders across the denominations. The Newfrontiers churches around the world are now overseen by a number of apostolic leaders and their teams who work in close relationship with each other.


Saul of Tarsus
02 February, 2025

Persecution and scattering
26 January, 2025

Tongue Control
19 January, 2025
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